You just haven’t had any luck with houseplants so far? Then you have likely made one of these seven mistakes. Most houseplants have very special and individual requirements in terms of care, location, and substrate!
You can easily do a lot of wrongs here and in no time the houseplant dies, no longer shows any flowers or is attacked by pests. Whether watering, fertilizing or repotting: Here you will find the seven most common mistakes that are made when caring for indoor plants.
1. Incorrect Watering Of Indoor Plants: In terms of the amount of water needed, indoor plants vary greatly. Plants from arid regions, such as cacti or succulents, require very little water. Once it evaporates, they store the water they receive, thus forming a reserve.
Other plants, such as those from the wilderness or the tropics, have completely different requirements. They need more water or other water sources, such as through spray bottles, because they are used to high humidity. There are many levels between these two extremes and,
as you can imagine, there are many possibilities for error. By the way: plants usually don’t dry out, they are more likely to fall on top of them, leading to stagnant water and rotten roots.
2. The Wrong Location For Indoor Plants: In addition to the wrong water supply, the wrong location for plants is often a death sentence. Follow the care instructions or specialist literature that will tell you whether the plant is more comfortable,
in the shade with little light, in the sun or in partial shade. Further criteria for the location are the temperature and any drafts. In the winter months, when the heaters are on, the warm, rising air is harmful to plants on the windowsill.
They lose a lot of moisture through the leaves (evaporation) and the temperature directly above the heater is far too high for them. In such cases, the houseplant usually calls for help by shedding its leaves and should be relocated immediately.
3. Recognize Pests On House Plants: Another important factor, when having houseplants, is to recognize pests. In addition to adding water and fertilizer, you should also take care of removing unwelcome visitors when caring for indoor plants. Potted plants in particular,
which are given some space to sunbathe on the balcony and terrace in summer, are happy to bring visitors into the house. Or the pests come together with newly purchased plants or substrate, which is why you should always keep a watchful eye here.
4. Repot Indoor Plants Incorrectly. When does a houseplant need to be repotted, and what should you watch out for? Basically, the older a plant gets, the less often it has to be repotted. Young plants that are still growing fast and have their pot rooted through quickly,
must be repotted regularly in a larger container. Some plants, such as the green lily or the bow hemp, create such a strong root pressure when the vessels are too small that the plant pushes itself out of the pot or the pot is even blown up