BRAINTEASERS have been baffling the web left, right, and center recently – and this latest one which asks challengers to spot the snake among a herd of giraffes, is no different!
The feature of this latest puzzle from Playbuzz is that giraffes gather on the ground and then climb out of the tree above. But there is a cunning snake in it, unfortunately, its pattern and color scheme are exactly the same as the giraffe.
Although it seems easy, the snake hides better than you think. A task posted by user Hidden Doodz is to check how fast you spot reptiles. His second eye also has a point, which is usually located on the giraffe’s chin.
Want another clue? It’s on the right-hand side of the picture. For those still struggling, scroll down for the answer. The snake can be found near the edge of the right-hand side of the puzzle.
The snake looks to be stood up vertical and it’s rating on a leaf. In a festive brainteaser, players were asked if they could spot Rudolf in a herd of reindeer. With his bright red shiny nose, you would presume he’d be easy to find.