Zumba Dance: 12 “Nuns” Did An Amazing Performance To ‘I Will Follow Him’

You probably don’t picture nuns dancing when you think of them. Nuns typically lead quiet, religious lives. But what about having a good time? If there’s one thing we can take away from the 1992 musical comedy ‘Sisters Act,’ it’s that we should never underestimate the sisters’ dancing abilities.

The sisterhood is known for its strictness and conservatism. This insanely high-energy performance, on the other hand, demolishes any preconceived notions you may have about nuns. “Nuns” perform a dance. The “nuns” gather to show off their community, which they are very familiar with!

how to have epic old-fashioned fun. They used space at a local recreation center, got together, and were ready to show their performance. The dancers were dressed in nuns’ clothes. Then they turned backs turned to the camera and the song, ‘I Will Follow Him’ started. The audience probably expected a slow choreographed show. However, they didn’t get what they expected.

Suddenly the music changed and the nuns started dancing the Zumba. The dancers stopped their slow moves and started moving faster and more enthusiastically to the new rhythm. The “nuns’ soon started to tap their feet and jump. They moved their bodies to the words ‘I love Him!’

The best part of the whole show was the display of energy that leaves their audience stunned. Moreover, the fact that all the women were of varying ages is even more wonderful. Age is only the number. They managed to share this beautiful show as a team.

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