The dog reunited with her family after they had to leave her a minute before the tornado destroyed their house

Bruce and Ona Dunlap are married and live in the state of Arkansas in the United States. They have a lot of pets at home, including four cats and two dogs. An irate neighbor knocked on the Dunlaps’ door one morning as they were just waking up.

She informed them that a tornado was on its way to their town. Bruce and Ona’s power had just gone out in the evening, so they had no idea what was going on. Because they didn’t have time to prepare for the evacuation ahead of time and were in a hurry, the couple could only assist a crippled neighbor in getting down to the shelter!

They did not have time to find all their pets. Sobbing that they had to leave one cat and one dog, the Dalneps went down to the basement, equipped so that it would be possible to wait out the elements. After a while, Bruce and Ona decided to check if the tornado was over. The really strong gusty wind died down. But because of it, the roof was blown off in the house of the spouses.

Outbuildings were also badly damaged. But the Dalneps were not worried about it. They started calling the dog and cat who remained upstairs. There was little chance that the pets survived. What was the joy of the spouses when a few minutes later the hairy dog face suddenly emerged from the wreckage!

Dalneps rushed to hug her. Bruce and Ona, with tears in their eyes, apologized to their beloved for leaving her in the center of the element. She just licked them.

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