It’s a thrilling event to welcome a new family member into the fold. Along with happiness, new parents may experience a variety of emotions, including: When dealing with a new status and forthcoming obstacles, frustration, anxiety, and perplexity are common emotions. One is to learn how to communicate with your child.
Newborns express their emotions and needs through signals and gestures that are difficult to decipher at first. However, if you trust your instincts and pay attention to your child’s behavior, you’ll be able to satisfy their expectations and interpret their signals with ease.
1. The baby is arching their back!
Arching their back means your baby is having pain or discomfort in the body. It may be heartburn or stomach uneasiness. Take notes of their diet and figure out what food may be causing that feeling. Massage the baby’s belly gently or put them in a different position. You may probably need to change their position while breastfeeding.
2. Kicking their legs, throwing them up in the air and grabbing their toes.
This way, the babies express the feeling of comfort and happiness. It’s actually a good sign, meaning the little one feels good with you.
3. Opening and closing their mouth, and sticking their tongue out. When the baby is imitating eating and sucking, they are hungry. They may also turn their head from side to side as if looking for the breast to latch on.
4. Clenching fists
Clenching fists is a natural reflex for newborns, but if the grip is too tight and it is accompanied by wimping, and tension in the whole body, it means anxiety and stress. The baby is not comfortable, and they must be suffering from cold, heat, hunger, or thirst, or just dislike the atmosphere and the company.
5. Throwing their arms up in the air suddenly
That signals the baby’s anxiety. They could be frightened or experiencing discomfort because of bright lights or loud sudden sounds.
6. Doing crunches
If the baby is crunching the body, it can be a sign of colic, stomach pain or digestive problems. Place a warm water bottle on the stomach, change the baby’s position or massage the belly with circular motions.