Find the emoji that’s not as desperate for love

Visual challenges are a great way to put your mental dexterity and eyesight to the test. They’re not as easy as they seem, though, since you have to thoroughly scan the image to succeed. Whether you’re looking to have fun or exercise your brain, what better way to focus on little details than with a test like this one?

Put your brain to the test and find out if you need to start to do more mental exercises to increase your focus. In fact, working on puzzles regularly can keep our brains 10 years younger than their actual age. In addition, this particular quiz will help you see how good your logic is and if you can think outside the box.

We challenge you to find the odd emoji that has sneaked into the picture. Click on each card to reveal the answer. Best of luck!

1. Where’s the really sad emoji?

2. Find the dairy-free hamburger

3. Find the emoji that’s not as desperate for love

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