This Woman Calls Emergency Operator and Asks If She Can Order Pizza? What does it mean?

A woman who happened to be in great danger is being called out for her bravery after she called up the 999 emergency operator, asking for some pizza. According to local media outlets, it was revealed how the operator knew immediately that she was in a bad situation and that’s why she was asked,

to which the frightened woman replied with a yes. The horrifying incident took place on a bus in North Yorkshire as the police revealed how the call handler and the woman were able to communicate in a manner that didn’t let the suspect have any hint about her desperate plea for help.

The bus had reportedly been stopped at the York area and through the apparent pizza order and navigation details, officers knew exactly what was going on. Sources spoke in detail about how the suspect was a 40-year-old man from Leeds that was arrested and is now under police custody.

On Tuesday evening, during the nighttime hours, the emergency operator received a call. “Using the internet bus tracking system, we were able to locate the bus.” Despite being in danger, she texted us more pertinent information and attempted to remain calm,” the operator stated.

Officers were applauded for coming on time and taking control of the bus before any potential mishap. “Everyone involved did an outstanding job. “We were able to take prompt action and protect the woman from a serious potential threat,” added the area’s police chief.

The good old ‘pizza order’ technique is a wonderful tactic that the woman used to escape the horror and is something that many rescue operators are familiar with. What are your thoughts on the use of the ‘pizza order’ technique to avert a major disaster? Let us know and be sure to SHARE the story with others too.

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