It’s another fantastic day to put your observation skills to the test with a fun image puzzle to do with your friends and family. Solving riddles and puzzles is a fun method to improve cognitive function, sharpen your memory, increase productivity at work or school, and reduce stress!
90% of challengers are unable to identify all flaws in a photograph of a couple watching television. But do you believe you’ll be able to find all seven? Take a look at the illustration below. The image depicts a couple sitting on a green sofa while watching television. Because of the greenery around them, it is clear that they adore plants.
However, there are numerous errors in this image! In fact, viewers must identify seven mistakes. Have you come across any of them? Congratulations if you detected all seven errors! Not many people can find them all, but if you’re still looking, that’s okay because the developer of this photo puzzle made the errors difficult to see.