In the Nigerian family a white daughter was born in 2010. How lives the white girl now?

How would most parents react if their child had a different skin tone? At the very least, this is cause for surprise, and at worst — for a scandal. In the Nigerian family of Angela and Ben, a daughter was born in 2010!

Nmachi is the family’s third kid, but she is remarkable in that she is all white. A beauty, an angel, or a divine gift. In the Ihekboro family, Nmachi is referred to as this. The daughter was born perfectly healthy, with the exception of one sign. The baby’s skin tone was completely different from her parents’.

Nmachi is a real snow white with blonde hair. By the way, the girl’s hair is curly, like her parent’s. Ben could have suspected Angela of infidelity, but that wasn’t the way out. If Angela really cheated on her spouse, the child would be a mulatto, but not completely white.

One of the professors of the Institute in Oxford was very interested in Nmachi Ihekborough. The fact is that the girl is unique, and so far there is no second such in the world. In her case, there really was a genetic malfunction. There are quite a lot of Albinos in the world.

According to the most conservative estimates, one with an anomaly of melanin synthesis, or an albino, gives birth to 20 thousand people. In Africa, albinos are 6 times more common than on other continents. Scientists have not yet determined what this is due to.

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