The Doctors didn’t believe that the twins would survive. How the look now after the hardest operation ever

The birth of twins Erin and Abby Delaney in July 2016 was expected to bring parents great delight, but in this case, the joy was replaced by dread.
The infants were born 10 weeks ahead of plan and weighed 900 grams apiece!

The worst part was that they had a merged brain, and the physicians had no prognosis. The parents did not give up; instead, they pulled themselves together and resolved to do everything possible for their children, even if it meant taking advantage of the few opportunities available to them.

The physicians agreed on a complex operation when Erin and Abby were 11 months old. The operation lasted 11 hours, the babies were separated, and both were saved. The girls are almost four years old at the moment. They are content.

“I admire our babies. They are so wonderful and they are real heroes.” The doctors were satisfied with the operation, they regularly monitor how the girls grow and develop, and this gives them hope for the same successful operations in the future.

By the way, this operation was the first in the history of medicine when Siamese twins were separated at such an early age. “I can admit that we were scared ourselves.

But we tried to turn off these emotions and operate on the children, no matter what,” Dr. Hoyer shared. After the operation, the babies were put into an artificial coma so that their bodies could recover from the stress.

Now both girls are undergoing therapy to restore those brain functions that did not develop while they were connected. Of course, other operations are waiting for the sisters in the coming years — they will have to reconstruct their cranial boxes and insert the missing bones.

Happy parents Erin and Abby are very grateful to the doctors for the fact that their girls are growing up next to them and very much hope that they have a happy and amazing life ahead of them, which they deserved after experiencing such trials.

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