Who Is Pretending To Be Sick? Most of the Of Viewers Couldn’t Answer Correctly!

Puzzles and brain teasers are fantastic for keeping our wits active while having fun with our loved ones. With a series of picture puzzles that most people couldn’t complete in time, your visual and mental skills will be put to the ultimate test today!

Are you prepared for the first test? Three persons can be seen in the photo above: Eva, Anna, and Rick. They all appear to be sick or injured, yet one of them is lying about his or her condition to avoid working. To pass the challenge, you must find the liar in one minute.

However, don’t pass judgment too quickly or you can make a costly error! Have you yet discovered the liar? Eva appeared to be crying because of stomach pains. After injuring her leg, Anna is limping and using crutches. Rick’s injured right arm is being treated with a brace.

But, as we already stated, one of them is merely acting. Focus on the same details to find the liar. Scroll down to see the solution once you’re sure you’ve got the proper answer.

Rick is the one who lies! His right arm is said to be fractured, yet his phone is in the right pocket of his pants. He wouldn’t have put it there if he couldn’t use his right arm.

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