Young man walked miles for first day of work, but Given Amazing Gift From CEO

The night before the first day on the job, Carr’s 2003 Nissan Altima broke down. He then called his girlfriend and his other friends to try to get a ride, but nothing worked out. Carr checked his GPS and saw that without a car he would have to spend about 7 hours getting from his house in Homewood, Alabama, to the town of Pelham for his first day at Bellhops moving company.

Carr decided to walk. Carr started his 20-mile trek sometime around midnight. He said: “I wanted to be there before 8,. “I wanted to beat the crew members there to let the company know how dedicated I am.” Carr made it about 14 miles to Pelham when police officers stopped him on the side of the road around 4 a.m.

He said: “He was like, ‘Where are you going?’ and I was like, ‘It’s hard to believe, it’s going to sound real crazy, but I’m actually headed to work.’” When hearing his story, the officers decided to take him to breakfast at Whataburger and made sure that he got something for lunch, too. He said that the officers debated for a little while where to safely drop him off and eventually landed on First Methodist Church.

The officers told they would send someone to check on him. He started walking again after resting for a while. He had less than 4 miles to go when another officer pulled up to check on him. Carr said: “He said, ‘Are you Walter Carr?’ and he was like, ‘Get in the car, I got you,’” The officer dropped Carr off at the home of Jenny Hayden Lamey, who he was scheduled to help move that day.

Carr shared that once the officer told Lamey and her husband Chris his story, they insisted he rest for a while. He said: “They were overwhelmed,”
“We argued about five minutes about me resting.” After the moving job was done, because of being impressed by Carr’s determination, Lamey shared his story on Facebook.

She stated that while waiting for the rest of the team to arrive, they began chatting and Lamey learnt a lot about Carr. As a result, he and his mother relocated to Birmingham after losing their house in New Orleans following Hurricane Katrina. Walter and his journey tested Lamey. “He is humble, friendly, and joyful, and he has enormous goals!” she wrote.

Her article went viral online, catching the attention of Bellhops CEO Luke Marklin. Marklin stated that he began receiving texts regarding Carr’s story and gathered his team to figure out how they could thank him. “Simply sitting there reading it, I was just blown away,” Marklin remarked. “The more we discovered, the more we understood Walter was a one-of-a-kind individual.”

Marklin then visited with Carr to thank him and chose to present him with his personal Ford Escape, which startled Carr to say the least. “I think he was fairly thrilled,” Marklin laughed. “His determination to overcome obstacles is the stuff legends are made of.” Carr’s persistence impressed Marklin, as it did Lamey.

“It was fantastic getting to know him,” he remarked. Walter has experienced difficulty throughout his life.” “I don’t think Walter… was ever going to be depressed about not having an automobile.” Lamey has subsequently created a GoFundMe page to help Carr raise funds. In just one day, it has raised approximately $8,500.

Carr expressed his gratitude for all of the feedback he’s received since the story went viral. “I couldn’t believe it,” he remarked. “I had no idea that 20-mile trek would signify anything to anyone.” “I’m incredibly grateful for everything, for the automobile, for everything.” “That was the most insanely long hike,” “My body was thinking, ‘What were you thinking?'” I have to finish the task.”

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