As a child, the girl was very worried that she looked older than her years. She was fixated on her appearance and reacted painfully when someone commented on her gray hair. Time passed, and with it the confidence in her beauty came to the girl.
She has learned to accept herself for who she is. After all, the hair is also part of her. Our heroine has grown very long hair, giving herself a certain exotic look. Now the Hungarian has an almost completely gray 1.5-meter braid.
The girl says that she washes her hair only once a month. She has special hair care oils that make the strands “soft and obedient.”According to Anna, her hairstyle is so easy to care for that she may not comb for weeks, and her hair does not get tangled.
Anna also changed her clothing style. She now has a large collection of national and vintage clothing in her closet, which she looks stunning in against the backdrop of farm fields.
Her images are quite popular, and many people admire them. The photos from her photo shoot are intriguing to look at since they depict her in vibrant images: a high school student from the previous century, a princess, and a lady in a fur coat.
For protection, the girl gathers her hair in bunches and braids while working in the fields. This is especially vital during harvest season or when caring for animals.
The males in the area love her radiant beauty and compliment her on her naturalness. The stunning woman wishes to teach other ladies to embrace and appreciate themselves.