The little girl we will talk about today does not like school, she prefers to spend time with snakes. A stunning story about this little girl

The little girl we will talk about today does not like school, she prefers to spend time with snakes. Her friendship with cobras began with Kajol crawling around them as a baby, and now they have become her favorite companions.

Cobras had bitten for several times, and Kajol was seriously ill, but fully recovered. Her father saved her – the girl did not have time to be scared when she saw the blood – as he ran into the forest and returned with a medicinal plant, the name of which is kept a strict secret.

It saved the life of the girl. Family secrets are passed down from generation to generation, and the father is very proud to be engaged in such a difficult and dangerous business as snack catching.

On the other hand, Kajol’s parents fear that the girl will have no friends or girlfriends among the local children if she continues to walk around with cobras around her neck.

The girl’s mother claims that her daughter’s obsession to cobras irritates her. Salma would prefer Kajol to grow out of her infatuation with venomous reptiles as soon as possible, especially because her youngest was dismissed from school for bringing her “pets” in a backpack.

She claims that if she had her way, she would just get rid of the ill-fated cobras, but her daughter still adores them. To be honest, the family of snake catchers had few visitors.

People are scared of cobras and avoid them, banning their children, among other things, from making friends with Kajol. This irritates her parents. Furthermore, Salma anticipates that her daughter would have a tough time finding a husband.

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