Agree, it’s always interesting to watch a show where people are transformed: to watch the process and admire the result. The heroine we want to tell you about today is 63 years old. When she saw herself in the mirror after the stylists worked on her, she just didn’t recognize herself! The woman’s name is Bonnie!
She has very long and thick hair, but gray hair has already begun to show up well, which did not affect her appearance very well. Therefore, she decided to cut her hair and turned to one of the best stylists in the world.
It’s worth noting that Bonnie has always walked around with her hair long and has never seen herself in another way. Bonnie, like any woman, denies her biological age, claiming that in her soul she is much younger.
After a few hours, a completely different Bonnie appeared in the mirror. The heroine was overjoyed; she is overjoyed with her appearance. Her hair has grown short and the color has completely changed.
The woman’s facial features have changed as a result of the new hairstyle, becoming softer, and makeup has complemented the image. The family was speechless when they saw Bonnie. Everyone noticed that the woman’s eyes sparkled, and she appeared much younger and more beautiful!