Parents of children with special needs are often worried about their kids’ communication with others, as sometimes people can be not tolerant and even aggressive towards children, who are different from all the others!
Sometimes other people’s words can hurt parents of such children, but unfortunately, they face an unrespectful reality every day. Why some people are so rude?
Sarah once shared her story on Facebook, and it quickly went viral. It happened on the playground while she was enjoying some downtime with her daughter Gracie. A stranger approached her and asked her to cover up her daughter’s missing arm!
But Sarah considers her daughter to be perfect. And she is indeed so adorable! I WILL NOT hide her she is far too perfect for that. The whole story started when the little boy took interest in Gracie’s small arm.
His mom said that Gracie’s arm should be covered. The little girl was wearing a short-sleeved dress at the time. I was so angry I just gathered up the kids and left. I didn’t trust myself to respond.
Little Gracie is absolutely beautiful and should not be made to feel anything less.