On her way to work, a woman named Malissa Sergent Lewis spotted something that stole her attention.As she was running late to the elementary school in Kentucky where she works, she decided to take a shortcut through a back road. Little did she know that her decision would help save the life of an innocent creature. She found herself in the right place, at the right time and was willing to step in for an animal in need.
“I saw this trash bag in the road, and I thought to myself, ‘Did I just see that bag move?’ The closer I got, I realized it was moving,” she said speaking to The Dodo. “I could hardly wrap my mind around that. Something was alive in that bag, and I just knew I had to get whatever it was out.” The video she took shows the bag moving, and it’s a devastating thing to see, knowing someone placed an animal inside and just left it there to suffocate and die!
Despite the fact that she had no idea what kind of animal might be inside, she decided to lend a helping hand and give it a chance to live. Malissa got out of her car and approached the bag, putting her own safety at risk. “Because the bag was tied in a knot, I carefully tore a corner and looked inside,” she explained. “It was just a puppy.” And he was overjoyed to see me. When I opened it and he saw light, he immediately began wagging his tail. He was confident in his own abilities.
It was unbelievable.” She took the sweet puppy to the vet to make sure he was okay and hadn’t suffered any injuries while tied in the bag. He even wore a collar, indicating that he was someone’s pet. Fortunately, the puppy was completely healthy. Authorities disseminated the story in the hopes that someone would come forward with information on who the owner was.
They weren’t sure if the puppy was dumped by the owner or if it had been stolen and then placed inside that bag. However, whoever did it will be charged with animal cruelty if they are found. “Who could do such a thing to any animal?” “No matter who you are, everyone loves puppies,” she said. “Anyone who puts an animal, any animal, in a garbage bag and dumps it on the side of the road is a heartless person.”
They were acting with evil intent.” The puppy found his forever home with his savior, which was the best outcome of this situation. Yes, Malissa fell in love with the little boy and couldn’t bear the thought of him being adopted by someone else. Her family was overjoyed that she had assisted him and had now given him a home. Malissa’s sons say they adore Hefty (his nickname) and enjoy spending time with him.