Watch This Video!!! Granny Boogies To “Electric Slide” On Dance Floor.

When you think of most octogenarians, you likely think they’re more “hip replacement-prone” than just “hip.” But you haven’t met Jean Hupp yet. Jean is 87 and lives with her husband, Paul, in an assisted living community in Decatur, Illinois. During a birthday party in the facility’s ballroom, Jean was caught on camera doing “The Electric Slide” in her own very unique way!

The video has now gone viral, and Jean is tickled pink about her new status as a web superstar.“The Electric Slide” is a song by Marcia Griffiths, and it’s a well-known staple at weddings, parties, and other social gatherings. The dance itself is similar to a line dance, with easy-to-learn footwork and simple, low-key choreography.

That is, at least, how other people do it. But if you’re like Jean, you just boogie down and do your thing! Sarah Butts, a resident service coordinator at Eagle Ridge of Decatur, where Jean lives, says she isn’t surprised that her dance moves have earned her internet fame. “Mrs. Hupp enjoys dancing and has done so her entire life,” Sarah explained.

Jean and Paul have been residents at the facility for three years, and Sarah claims that Jean is always the first in line for a party or event. “This is exactly Jean; she is the life and soul of the party.” She enjoys keeping her body and mind active because she believes it keeps her young. We were all delighted to see her and the other residents having a good time.

It’s extremely rewarding.” Jean is showing no signs of slowing down! We love how she avoids formal dance moves in favor of doing her own thing. What a wonderful metaphor for living a self-sufficient and joyful life! Whatever stage of life we’re in, we can all learn a lot from Jean’s confidence and enthusiasm. In the video below, Jean shakes a tail feather, and be sure to share it with someone you know who is also young at heart!

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