An amazing story behind the face of a crying young girl who works as a laborer.

We rarely see a girl willing to work as a laborer in a job that is dominated by men. But this is happening in China, and to make matters worse, she is a young and beautiful girl!

Unsurprisingly, men are willing to work hard to become laborers in order to support their families. But, isn’t it rare and unusual for a young girl to work hard and heavy labor?

This lovely young lady in China works as a cement lifter to support her impoverished family. Her mother gave birth to her when she was more than 40 years old. After this girl grew up, her old parents were unable to work hard and provide perfect support for her like other families.

This girl has decided to work in a cement factory to help his family. During her university studies, she completes this work every semester break. The wages earned from this work will not only be able to cover his tuition fees, but will also be able to help his sick and elderly parents in the village.

Seeing her limited strength and determination in lifting a heavy bag of cement would be heartbreaking for all of us. This is difficult and dirty work for a young girl like her. When she held the heavy cement bag, her face was covered in cement dust.

She even cries when she feels it is too difficult for an ordinary girl like her to bear the hardship. Her tears are clearly visible, leaving a mark on her dusted face. We sincerely hope that she will be able to improve her life and earn a good living as soon as she graduates from university.

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