Albert Einstein was thought to have the highest IQ – 160 points. But now lives a boy whose IQ is 263. Who is he?

Albert Einstein was thought to have the highest IQ – 160 points. Despite his early age, Singaporean child Ainan Cowley has an IQ of 263. According to his parents, the youngster pronounced his first word at four weeks and began walking at six months. It was then that they realized their boy was a child prodigy.

He received high grades on the most difficult chemistry test in first grade. Furthermore, the youngster had an incredible memory. He studied chemistry at the University of Singapore when he was a youngster.

Many people regarded him as a true genius, and he had the potential to become renowned. Ainan, on the other hand, had no goals; he chose a different path, choosing to stay in the shadows. He lectures at the institution and, of course, travels throughout the world giving seminars.

Ainan is well-known in the world of chemistry. He prefers, though, to share his expertise with others. He is now 21 years old and looks just like his classmates. Ainan enjoys music, basketball, and spending time with his friends and family in his spare time. He prefers not to discuss his extraordinary powers.

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