The twin sisters born with 87 days difference. How they look now after 6 years?

Maria and Chris Jones-Elliot were ecstatic to learn they were having twins. The whole family was excited about the arrival of the children and had even decided on the names Amy and Katie. The girls were expected to be born in September, but things didn’t go as planned. Maria understood she was about to give birth when she was in her 24th week of pregnancy, and her daughter Amy was born on June 1.

The tiny one weighed just 540 grams, yet his condition was generally steady. However, the sister had not yet planned to give birth. Amazingly, the pregnancy persisted, although with just one kid. Amy, by the way, has gained strength throughout this period and has been released from the hospital with her sister. Maria thus came home with her two girls.

This example, a phenomenon, piqued the curiosity of journalists. As a result, the girls made it into the record book. Despite the fact that Amy and Kathy are twins, their birthdays are not the same. By the way, the youngest has caught up to the growing older, and they are now as close as two droplets of water.

The girls are now eight years old and attend school. They are the greatest of friends and always assist each other out. Furthermore, since they are so similar, outsiders have difficulty distinguishing them. And you can’t argue Kathy and Amy are different ages.

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