Stepfather Makes Surprising Announcement That Tears 10-Year-Old “She Broke Down”

Myke Rousell and Sarah began dating four years ago. The couple had two children from previous relationships, and they quickly adjusted to life as a mixed family. Camryn, Sarah’s daughter, and Myke instantly ht toff. He never missed a game, recital, or big milestone in her life as her stepfather. “I entered Camryn’s life when she was five,” the Temple, Texas, father lamented. “We were thck as thees shortly after me and her mother began dating.” We just have so much in common.”

Camryn requested Myke at the age of seven whether she may start using his surname as her own. Yes, he is sad, and she uses the word “Rousell” almost everywhere. Except at her school, where they must use her legal last name. Sarah agreed that Myke should begin the formal adoption procedure for Camryn. It took three years, but the family was finally ready to tell Camryn, now ten, the excellent news in June 2021. What better place to break the news than at school?

Myke and Sarah came up to Camryn’s school with signs announcing that she is now a Rousell. Camryn’s face lit up with excitement and enthusiasm as she came down the corridor and saw the signs. She burst into ecstatic tears as soon as Myke lifted her into his arms — and she wasn’t the only one! “Seeing Camryn’s expression… “She broke down, and I broke down in turn,” Myke lamented. “Camryn’s adoption was a promse,” Myke said.

“I promised her that I would always be there for her, that I would love her unconditionally, and that I was simply not in her life by default.” Myke also had some kind remarks for his fellow step-parents. “I know what it’s like to go to baseball games and soccer games and feel like a third wheel a lot of the time,” he said.

“But you still show up.” I simply want you to know that you are appreciated, valued, and making a difference in these kids’ lives. Our babies can never have too many friends in their corner.” Myke, you are correct. There are many ways to locate your family. Congratulations, Camryn, on your new surname!

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