For six years, the girl has refused to wash her hair, and the effect will astound everyone.

While some people accuse Laura of being unclean and having bad hair, she herself distributes interviews and is actively gaining followers. Our protagonist is 27 years old and resides in Riverside, California. She runs a thrift store. The girl enjoys an active lifestyle, is vegan, and has a unique way of cleaning her hair – “without shampoo.”

Laura has been cleaning her hair under water without using laundry detergent for the last six years. While some people label Ashley nasty, others like her curls and urge her to share her hair care secrets. Hair maintenance, as Ashley points out, does not take any extra effort.

She performs the following: she combs her hair before soaking it, then rinses it with her hands under running water, massages her scalp, and finally combs the curls with a special comb. She then towel-dries her hair for 30 minutes before applying rosemary oil to the ends.

The girl feels that diet affects the look of her hair. Laura is a vegan raw food enthusiast who consumes fruits and veggies.

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