Math has always remained the most hated subject for a majority of people. And you can’t blame them, the questions of mathematics are always mind-numbing. The thumb rule says that either you are good in mathematics or bad, there is no in-between. Even in our school days, there were certain problems that were impossible for us to solve. Well, to be honest, not everyone is a math hater, there are people who love solving unambiguous equations and problems.
But when you get older, you think that where the hell did these equations come into use in real life. he Third Grader’s Math Homework sounded like this…Question number 44 read – Janell had 15 marbles, due to some reason she lost some. Now, Janell has how many marbles? Well, nobody in the Universe except God knows how much marbles does Janell have. You are put in a situation where you can’t even guess the numbers, it can go from 1-14…
Didn’t thought math will turn out to be a subject where you have to guess the answer. How a third grader is supposed to solve this math problem when the adults are getting vertigo after seeing it, lashed an angry mother. People reacted to Dusty’s post like the way Dusty did. People pointed out that it is impossible to give a conclusive answer to an obtuse question like this.
One user reacting to Dusty’s post decided to give it a shot. He comes up with an answer, it was ‘<15’, but he said that this is not a question that should be asked to a third grader. Another user comes with a specific answer. He said that the correct answer would be ‘SOME.’ However, it turned out to be a source of amusement. Dusty told Huffington Post. The question was only put there to tease the children, they were trying to end it on a fun note.
Dusty told that at first, it seemed like a printing mistake, else the question was put there to check Izzy’s knowledge. Dusty continued, she said that as a mother of two, a fifth grader and a third grader, she has seen doing them homework over the years but this one question, in particular, made her uncomfortable. Well, whatever people say, mathematics will always remain one of the toughest subjects to learn.
What do you think about this particular question? Do you have a specific answer in mind? Shake your brains and comment on the answers below. A man took to. Reddit to ask if he is wrong for ruining his biological parents’ relationship with everyone by revealing they are his parents on Facebook. A man told that his 19-year-old parents gave him up for adoption when he was a baby. For some reason, the man was taken from his adoptive parents and put in foster care when he was 11.