How Fast Can You Spot All FIVE Ys Hidden In This Picture? Most People Can Only Find 4

A viral brainteaser has gone viral after viewers were challenged to find Ys hidden among a slew of Xs. If you enjoy solving visual puzzles and are good at noticing minor details, prepare to put your abilities to the test in the challenge we’ve prepared for you.

Examine the image above closely and tell us what you see. Though most people only see a lot of Xs at first glance, there are FIVE Ys hidden somewhere in the picture! Set your timer for one minute and see if you can find all of the hidden letters.

How many Ys did you discover? If the answer is 4, go back to the photo and do another sweep. We guarantee that there are five Ys hidden in the image. If you’re still stumped as to where the last one is, look at the image below for a solution.

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