Cesia Abigail Baires runs a cafe in Minneapolis. Her actions, however, went viral for all the right reasons. A Minneapolis cafe owner is gaining international recognition for her selfless acts. Abi’s Cafe on E. Lake Street is owned by Cesia Abigail Baires. She updated her status about a man named Marcus who came into her cafe and asked for money. ” He came into the cafe one day and asked for money. I asked him, “Why don’t you have a job?
You know nothing is given to me for free, right?” “Well, I have a lot of felonies and no one wants to hire me for that, so now I’m on the streets and getting money the only way I know, stealing and asking for money,” he explained. That day, I was short-handed. So I asked him, “Would you like to work?” I’ve got a job for you! His eyes widened and his smile brightened my day!!!! He stated that I would do anything for food.
So he’s been on time for his two-hour shift for almost two weeks now, helping take trash, wash dishes, and so on. Guess what he does after I pay him? He purchases food from my restaurant (HE DECISES TO PAY) because it makes him happy! He receives a discount!!!! Do something nice for someone today and don’t judge them just because they’re asking for money because we don’t know what their situation is… Some people deserve another chance. If God has blessed me, why can’t I bless others?
We want change, this is what should break the internet. Begin by creating one. We are so grateful that people like her still exist. Because of her, this man is staying off the streets. Sometimes we need to let go of the past and learn from it, but we also need someone to give us a second chance. Cesia Abigail Baires was the person in question in this case. Thank you very much!