No one came to help the grandfather who was lying on the ground, but Yana, 10, refused to stand by and watch.

This happened at the beginning of February. Yana was walking down the street when she noticed an elderly man laying in the dirt. He was mumbling something incoherently, and he was stuck. Everyone who passed the guy on the street assumed he was drunk. Yana quickly returned home and began persuading her father to help the man recover. After Dad finally agreed, the two of them traveled to meet him…

When the man approached, he realized the elderly man needed medical help. He then summoned an ambulance to transport the victim. Yana and her father went to the hospital the next day after learning that a 76-year-old man had suffered a stroke. His memory gradually returned, and he was able to recall his family and the young girl who had saved his life.
The doctors contacted the grandfather’s family, and his daughter went to see how he was doing.

Later, she returned to Yana with candies, fruits, and heartfelt gratitude. Yana comes from a family where everyone is expected to pitch in and help others. Mom also stated that she and Yana frequently purchased meals for the homeless with money they contributed. Volunteers prepare meals in a small market near the residence on Tuesdays and Fridays and serve them to the homeless. Yana’s mother and father both set a good example of selflessness.

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