Nothing in this world is more tragic than a parent outliving their child. Unfortunately, when her adult son went missing over 12 years ago, this mother was forced to live this nightmare. Joyce Curtis assumed her son had died after he had not called home for 12 years. According to the Daily Mail, Nicholas went missing in Europe in 2010. Curtis had assumed that he was dead until December 19. If he was still alive, he would have contacted her.
That’s when the most incredible thing happened. She received a phone call informing her that her son was still alive! Nicholas was discovered in a hospital in France. “I can’t believe it,” Curtis exclaimed to the Daily Star. “I’d come to terms with the fact that he’d died. That is exactly what I thought, and I believe everyone else did as well. It’s similar to the movie ‘Miracle on 34th Street.’
It’s nothing short of a miracle.” Nicholas had first vanished from her life when he decided to quit his job and travel around Europe on his own. His mother initially assumed he was running the streets of Paris and had become involved with the wrong crowd. The Glasgow native informed his mother that he planned to hitchhike, which made her extremely concerned.
Any parent would be concerned in these circumstances. After “not hearing from him for ages and ages,” Curtis decided it was time to file a missing person report. The British consulate contacted her a year later to inform her that her son was still alive.
This would be her last chance to see him in 12 years. “I called him and spoke with him. “He appears to be in good health,” she remarks. “‘Are you coming home, Nikky?’ I asked. ‘Aye,’ he replied. I can’t even fathom what he’s been through. “All I need to do is get him home.”