People will sometimes do the most insane things in the name of love. Peter makes several attempts to win Karen’s affection, but she initially rejects his advances. She soon realizes that Peter is more than meets the eye. Karen was raised to take a particular path in life, and for the most part, she did. She graduated from law school in record time and took over her parents’ law firm at the age of 32. Karen’s family always wanted the best for her and encouraged her to find a high-status partner.
“You don’t want to be taken in by a crazy con artist. “If you stay with your people, you’ll always be safe,” her father, David, told her. Karen had little luck with romance, despite dating men of status in the corporate world. She had dated law firm partners, politicians, and successful businessmen. Karen’s previous relationships had all been fleeting. Karen would think she had found someone special, only to discover that they had nothing in common other than their financial situation. Men expected her to be impressed by them, despite the fact that she worked as hard as any of them.
“How come none of these men can come along and sweep me off my feet? I just have the feeling I’m dating the same person over and over again. “Perhaps I’m just a hopeless romantic,” Karen confided in her friend Lisa. “You saved my life, and I’d like to give you a second chance.” “The heart desires what the heart desires. “Perhaps the right guy for you will come from the most unexpected place,” Lisa responded. Karen was on the verge of marrying a tech millionaire at one point. Unfortunately, she discovered he had been unfaithful to her. Rumors began to circulate in Karen’s office that the cleaner, Peter, was her secret admirer.
She began to recall Peter always holding the door open for her. She had also discovered lovely flowers on her desk in the morning. “Dirty Peter is head over heels in love with the boss!” We don’t want her stinking up the place like you!” Peter’s coworkers made fun of him. Peter once aspired to be like them, but he dropped out of law school to care for his ailing father. “Pay attention, Peter. I understand you’re trying to be nice. However, this is incorrect. I’m your superior. Furthermore, if men see you flirting with me, they may think of me. “Obviously, no offense,” Karen said to Peter. Peter took it very hard.
Peter’s days at the firm were always difficult. Despite being the same age as his superiors, he did not have the same background or opportunities. He took the job at the law firm to reflect on his previous opportunities. Peter devised a secret plan out of desperation and love for Karen. Karen had dinner with a successful entrepreneur named Chris later that evening. They were having a great time and sat for hours. Karen and Chris let their drivers leave early because they planned to drive themselves home.
A couple of random thugs attacked them on the street as they were leaving the restaurant. “Give us your money right away!” The thugs screamed. Chris dashed to his car to flee, leaving Karen to fend for herself. Peter dashed out of a nearby pub at that precise moment and chased the thugs away. “Thank you so much, my dear. “I was so scared,” Karen said as she hugged Peter. Peter suggested he get Karen’s phone number so she could call him when she got home safely. Karen agreed, but as Peter took out his phone, she had an epiphany. Peter’s phone wallpaper featured one of the thugs, and the two appeared to be friends.
“What’s the matter? “What is he doing on your phone?” Karen inquired. “I’ll explain. I persuaded them to participate. They were not going to harm you in any way. I simply wanted you to regard me as a hero. “I’m so sorry,” Peter apologized. “I guess we’re in on the joke now.””What kind of stupid prank is that, Peter? You’ve been fired. “Get the hell out of here!” Karen said as she started running to her car. Karen could hear a voice behind her yell, “LOOK OUT!” as tears streamed down her cheeks.
She felt a strong hand grab her arm and pull her back. She could see Peter being hit by a car as she fell to the ground. She could see Peter underneath the car as she crawled towards the crash site and immediately called an ambulance. She then drove to the hospital to await Peter’s release from surgery. A doctor arrived to inform Karen of the bad news. “Peter is critically ill. “He’ll make it, but it’ll take some time before he can walk properly again,” the doctor said. Okay. By the way, I’ll cover all of Peter’s expenses. “I understand how expensive it can be,” Karen responded. She then went to see Peter in the hospital.
When he regained consciousness, he asked Karen, “Are you okay?” “I’m fine, thank you. Peter, you saved my life,” Karen replied. “I guess we’re all in on the joke now,” Peter joked. “Listen, I know I said you were fired before, but I’d like to make you an offer,” Karen replied, laughing. There has been some office gossip that you dropped out of law school. I’d like to return your call. “You saved my life, and I want to give you a second chance,” Karen explained. Karen visited Peter in the hospital every day until he was discharged. She then pushed him in a wheelchair to the office, where he was greeted as a hero.
It was the first time he had been recognized in this manner since starting work for the firm. Karen got down on one knee in front of him, much to his and their colleagues’ surprise. Everyone in the firm was stunned. “I know it’s insane, but I don’t care. Nobody has ever done such things for me, and to be honest, your prank with the hooligans impressed me. Nobody has ever done that for me.
My friend once told me that I might find love in unexpected places. She couldn’t have been more correct. Peter. Janitor, future lawyer, and my hero. “Are you willing to marry me?” Karen inquired. “Absolutely! “And thank you for not forcing me to get down on my knees,” he joked. Karen and Peter married a few months later and had two children together. Four years later, Peter completed his law degree and began working at the same firm where he had previously worked as a janitor.