The doctors surprised the spouses with a diagnosis 6 weeks after the birth: the husband’s reaction is very touching.

Eliza Kirby, the heroine of today’s story, is 27 years old and from Sydney. She gave birth to a daughter named Charlie in January 2016. However, shocking news arrived only a month and a half after the spouses’ birth. Eliza is discovered to be pregnant once more. And this time, she and her husband were in for a double surprise: they were expecting twins.

“To be honest, I didn’t even consider contraception. All of my relatives and friends assured me that getting pregnant while breastfeeding was impossible. But it turns out that none of this makes sense. Eliza expressed her feelings. “I couldn’t believe I was pregnant yet again, but I was. “I tried four pregnancy tests before getting a positive result,” mom continues. The couple, however, quickly pulls themselves together.

They eagerly awaited the replenishment and detailed their emotions on the blog. Two lovely twins were born in December. Any walk with children is now a special occasion for Eliza and Ben. The spouses, on the other hand, are not discouraged and rejoice every day. All the babies were born healthy and everything went well. Do not be scared of childbirth. She now has three children and is overjoyed!

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