During a bathroom renovation, homeowners discover a message from 1995 hidden in the wall.

Alex and Jess Monney discovered a hidden message while renovating their bathroom, and it’s pretty hilarious. When their contractor was gutting the old bathroom, they discovered a note from the previous owners hidden inside the walls.

“If you’re reading this, it means you’re redoing your bathroom. What went wrong with how we did it. The note continues. Alex and Jess thought it was absolutely hilarious, and it made them laugh throughout the day!

They included a note from their pet bunny in addition to a note from the former owners, the Shinseki’s! “Hello!” said the note. Cassie the bunny rabbit here. I used to live here as well! (I’m toilet-trained!)” It also included a picture of Cassie the bunny. That is so adorable!

After they leave, Jess and Alex have confirmed that they will also leave a note on their wall for the next homeowners. After the hilarious story went viral, many people on social media attempted to locate the Shinsekis from 1995.

“Your bathroom, and home, are lovely,” Alex said in a public statement to the Shinsekis. It has given us many wonderful memories, and we can’t wait to raise our baby girl here. Sorry for the inconvenience, but the shower is too small for me (I’m 6′ and my wife is 5′). Thank you so much for the wonderful surprise!”

In just 24 hours, the original uploaded picture to Alex’s Twitter account received over 80,000 likes. People became obsessed with the Shinsekis’ idea of leaving their mark and funny jokes on their house before leaving it. They may have set a precedent.

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