In 1954, a teen misplaces her purse; 65 years later, it is discovered with her prom invitation still inside.

In 1954, a teen named Martha misplaced her purse. It was discovered 65 years later, complete with everything still inside! Do you believe it? Discover where the purse was discovered and what was still inside. Hint: it might make you long for your high school prom. Jeffersonville High School in Indiana will be demolished. Someone discovered a purse hidden behind an old cabinet during the demolition. It served as a sort of time capsule, allowing others to reminisce about high school in the 1950s.

Martha Ina Ingham, now in her 80s, never expected to see that purse again. They determined the purse belonged to Martha because her ID was still inside! In addition to her Social Security card and other interesting mementos. In 1955, Martha was a senior in high school. Along with Martha’s ID and Social Security card, there were newspaper clippings from 1954, a Jefferson High School basketball schedule from 1953 to 1954, a coral lipstick, a pin,

Juicy Fruit wrappers, a bus schedule, and even a note from a boy inviting her to prom! The note appears to have been issued in 1954. Actually, there were two notes! One was from “Torchy,” who invited Martha to the prom. Another was a longer letter from Carter, a young boy. Both notes mention a different boy named Paul. Martha had to be quite the catch! Carter appears to have been flirting with Martha and trying to get her to stop liking someone named Paul!

“I think Paul is a good guy,” he writes in the letter. But you’ll never catch him because he’s too fast! Ha! Ha!” Someone associated with Greater Clark County Schools posted a photo of the bag on Facebook in the hopes of reaching Martha. They discovered that Martha is still alive and well in Florida. We’re sure she was overjoyed to receive that bag and reminisce about her high school days! Are you relieved that Martha received her bag?

Do you have any high school mementos or memories that are similar? What are your thoughts on someone discovering this bag so many years later, fully intact? This is a wonderful gift that Martha, also known as Marty, received! If you enjoyed this article, please SHARE it with your friends and family who enjoy these nostalgic 1950s stories!

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