WatchThis wonderful video! Ukraine with Love: Violinist’s stunning Neil Diamond cover

Karolina Protsenko dances all around an open-air space while playing Neil Diamond’s hit song, ‘Sweet Caroline.’ Her musical energy is palpable and infectious. Karolina stands on the shopping center street, surrounded by onlookers. She plays a track, the instruments play the intro, and she enters the first verse wearing a stunning pink and blue gown.

She spins around and smiles at the people who drop money in her basket, and the audience around her smiles and films her flawless performance. A young boy with a drum approaches her from behind, and despite the fact that it is a toy drum, he begins to play along with the song.Neil Diamond’s 1969 hit ‘Sweet Caroline’ was one of his biggest. The song peaked at number four on the Billboard Hot 100 chart in August, selling over one million copies in its first year.

Karolina Protsenko, who is 13 years old, is a violinist. Her parents both play guitar and piano, and she was born in Ukraine into a musical family. When she was six years old, her family relocated to the United States.Karolina began classical training at a young age. She has three YouTube channels, as well as accounts on Facebook and Instagram. Her fan base has grown to over 10 million followers in over 50 countries in just four years.

Her performance of ‘Sweet Caroline’ is a showcase of her talent. Karolina is no stranger to large crowds, and she performs with the confidence of a seasoned pro. Her energy and charisma make everyone around her happy.

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