Watch how this Hero Homeless Man Saves Baby’s Life After Stroller Rolls Towards Busy Road

A homeless man has been dubbed a hero after rescuing a baby whose stroller had rolled into a busy road. The shocking incident occurred in Hesperia, California, when a grandmother was getting items from her car when the stroller next to her began moving downhill unexpectedly. Desperate to stop the stroller before it reached the busy road below, the baby’s great aunt ran after it, only to trip and fall two times.

Fortunately, Ron Nessman, who was applying for a job at a restaurant in the area when he noticed the stroller charging towards the busy road, noticed her struggles. “I didn’t even have time to think about it.” “You just react,” said the man, who had been homeless for eight years, according to KCAL News. “I saw her and felt terrible for the lady. I have nephews and nieces, and I couldn’t imagine something like that happening to them.

I couldn’t live with myself if I did nothing. I’m just glad I noticed it and took action.” Nessman also revealed that after battling homelessness and depression for several years, he decided to get his life back on track. “In 2018, my girlfriend died.” “It was unexpected, and I didn’t want to do anything,” he explained to NBCLA. “I resolved to do the right thing.

If you want something different in your life, you have to do something different, which is where I am right now. I appreciate my sister’s assistance. She’s always been supportive of me.”Nessman, who was dubbed a hero by his sister, went on to express gratitude for the chance to save the child. “I knew I could get it, and I got it, and I’m thankful for that because I really wouldn’t want to see the end result if I wasn’t there,” he said.

“She did everything she could to get up.” When I approached her, her knees were bleeding. She was still stunned and crying.”Fortunately, both the baby and the great aunt were unharmed by the incident.

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