Pastor Mark Morrow was pronounced dead on the gym floor at 5:15 a.m., his sweat still drying from his workout. He had suffered a massive heart attack. Pastor Mark, a day shy of his 58th birthday and in the best shape of his life, was now fighting for it.It was a terrifying scene. Emergency CPR was started, and first responders worked tirelessly to bring him back.
“He was completely gone at that point,” Landon Morrow, his son, recalled. To find a pulse, the EMTs had to shock his chest six times. Even though they were able to resuscitate him, intubation was unsuccessful. Mark was without oxygen for 33 minutes and passed out twice on the way to the hospital.When his family saw him in that lifeless state, they felt indescribable pain.
“There was no life in his body at that point,” Landon explained, his voice shaking, “and that was probably the hardest sight to see throughout the whole experience.” Mark was placed on a ventilator in the intensive care unit before being airlifted to a Level Two Trauma Center. His family trailed close behind, grappling with the prospect of losing him. They turned to prayer in their disbelief and fear.
“May God protect him. Please save his life. Don’t let this be the end of things.” Pam Morrow, Mark’s wife, spoke up. Doctors were pessimistic. If Mark survives, the lack of oxygen may cause significant brain damage. This was difficult for Landon to accept. Pam felt an encouraging presence the next morning. “The Holy Spirit said, ‘Just stand,'” she said. “And I knew I could rely on Him because He was the healer.”
He was in command.” They put their faith in divine intervention from then on.Their church community rallied to their aid. They held prayer meetings outside the hospital and raised their voices in unison. “Seeing the faith of our church members and the people in our community was such a comfort to us,” Landon said. “It gave us hope and caused our faith to grow.”
A miracle occurred 72 hours after the heart attack. Mark blinked his eyes open. “It was kind of like a Lazarus moment,” Pam explained. Mark was awake and alert a few days later, with no signs of brain damage or heart damage. He was on his way to full recovery. When he found out what had happened, Mark scrawled a poignant message: “God must not be finished with me yet.” He was correct.
The man dubbed “Miracle Man” by his ICU doctor was discharged ten days after his near-death experience.Mark returned to the pulpit just a few weeks later, against all odds. “I know Jesus healed me,” he explained. “He touched me.” His church now hosts Encounter Nights, where he and his staff pray for the healing of others. Many people have been inspired by Mark’s story as they seek divine intervention in their own lives.
Mark appreciates his second chance at life. “God is not finished with me yet,” he said, looking ahead with renewed optimism. Mark’s remarkable journey has had an impact on his congregation and community. His story, a testament to divine grace, is now told to everyone with whom they pray, instilling faith and hope. “Everyone wants to know your story,” Mark said, “because you’re the ‘Miracle Man.'”
If he can heal you, I’m confident he can also heal someone else we know. So we pray for them, lay hands on them, and watch them heal.” The seemingly impossible journey has given Mark and his family a new perspective on miracles. “Right before he was released, the ICU doctor looked at my dad in the eyes and said, ‘You are a miracle,'” Landon recalled, his voice breaking with emotion.
Mark’s story has not only renewed his faith but also given him a sense of purpose. He has a renewed sense of commitment to his calling, a rekindled enthusiasm for his work. He now ministers to his flock with a deep understanding of the divine hand that has guided him through his ordeal. Standing in the pulpit once more, his words ring with unrivaled authenticity.
“I know Jesus healed me,” he says, his conviction based on personal experience. “He touched me.” His words reverberate with increased power, touching the hearts of his audience. “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the LORD, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’” Jeremiah 29:11