A homeless man came to a restaurant to ask for a job — and got a chance to start all over again

The man went into the first restaurant he saw, expecting at least a one-time wage. However, this unplanned decision drastically altered his life. Taylor Thompson, from Alabama, received “excellent” grades in high school and then went on to college, where he studied engineering and criminal justice. But I had to drop out of school when the 28-year-old man started having problems at home.

Taylor then lived with his parents, his father a metallurgist and his mother a nurse. The family’s relationships were strained. My parents fought every day and eventually divorced. Taylor’s mental illness and dependence on psychotropic substances worsened after the divorce. Life was getting worse. Something terrible happened one day. On his way home from college, the man was stunned with a stun gun and taken to a psychiatric clinic by police.

Taylor didn’t have time to comprehend anything. He felt terrified and humiliated. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia by hospital doctors. There were several more arrests after he was released. And with each of them, Taylor’s situation deteriorated, despite the fact that he did not commit serious crimes, violate laws, or steal anything.Soon after, the man was homeless. For five months, he lived in a supermarket tent, and it was not life, but existence.

But everything changed when he went to Brewha’s pub and met Brenda Goodhue. Taylor was hovering in the doorway when the restaurant’s owner, a part-time mother of three children, a grandmother with 13 grandchildren and two great-grandchildren, noticed her. She assumed he was another homeless man begging for food and was surprised to hear him ask for work.

Brenda first gave Taylor money to go to a thrift store and buy new clothes because he inspired confidence. He followed all instructions and returned clean and well-dressed. Brenda, a devout Christian, believed Taylor had appeared at her establishment for a reason. She knew he needed a second chance, and she was eager to assist. Something caused her to deviate from the principles, because she had never given such opportunities to anyone before.

Taylor proved to be, as she put it, “a jack of all trades.” He took on any task and it all worked out in the end. Soon after, the residents of the town learned about Brenda’s new employee – and they wanted to help him get back on his feet. Caring individuals organized a Facebook fundraiser for Taylor. The original goal of $250, which would have covered a week’s rent for a room, was exceeded ten times. This sum will keep Taylor afloat until he finds a permanent residence.

This opportunity means a lot to the guy who, among other things, has to deal with the manifestations of bipolar disorder. He meditates, tries to eat healthily, and hopes to regain control of his life. Taylor intends to join the US Navy as an engineer and attend the University of South Alabama. “Everyone experiences ups and downs. “And each of us needs a helping hand and a second chance from time to time,” Brenda says. “So, before you dismiss someone, learn more about him and only then draw conclusions.”

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