A heartbroken daughter gets a touching sign that her father is in heaven with his wife.

Nobody likes cemeteries for the right reasons. We’ve heard hundreds of stories about “something” happening and mourners misinterpreting it as a sign from a recently lost family member. There are also heartwarming anecdotes from those who have crossed over, proving that paradise exists.But we can never completely accept it if it hasn’t occurred to us.

I’m not a big fan of visiting cemeteries. My mother died when I was 18 years old, and I only go there twice a year… even though I think about her every day. I don’t go to her grave because I believe she is in a location where she can fly anywhere, in another dimension that is invisible to the naked eye. It doesn’t make logical to merely hang out at her burial site.

If I’m at home, I believe she’s here with me if she’s not with another family member…. that’s my philosophy. Her body is present, but her soul is everlasting and unbound. She just had to let go of her decaying body, a vessel incapable of supporting the spirit (driver). My mother generally sends me signs in the form of unusual coincidences and dreams. I had a very nice dream a year ago that I vividly recall.

It was unlike any previous dream, and I knew what she spoke to me came from her soul, not just my desire to see her. But for now, let’s stick to a story that simply makes you believe in signs provided by a deceased loved one…”We had a graveside service for my father today. He was buried close to my mother, overlooking a lovely pond surrounded by trees.

My daughter asked me right after the funeral if I’d seen the red cardinal fly by all of us, and while I had missed it since I was engrossed in my thoughts, I quickly remembered that the red cardinal is a message that our loved ones in spirit continue on forever. As we drove home from the service, I reflected on how my mother had been reunited with my father and was perhaps assisting him through this early stage of his spiritual journey.

Soon after, I noticed three license plates with the numbers 29 (my mother’s birthday), 39 (my mother’s birth year), and 59 (the year my parents married). Coincidence? Maybe, but I don’t believe in coincidences… I believe in coincidences and signals. And I have no question in my mind or heart that this was my mother’s way of informing me she is back with my father.”

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