Mackenzie is the name of this tiny child. Her parents abandoned her, abandoning her at a Chinese train station. The girl was transported to the hospital and thoroughly examined. It was revealed that she had no medical problems. As a result, the girl was transported to one of the local shelters, where she would remain until someone chose her to be a member of their family.
However, this was nearly difficult due to the overcrowding of Chinese shelters with unwanted children.Chuck and Kim Walker saw this girl on television one day. They were captivated by the girl.However, their hearts were still shattered by the death of their youngest son, who had died three years before. Nonetheless, the couple made the significant and serious decision to adopt young Mackenzie.
The girl was just one year old at the time of the guardianship registration. The newly formed family relocated to the United States to begin a fresh and joyful life. However, the pair saw something extraordinary one day. When Mackenzie heard the ringing of bells for the first time, she came to a halt and listened. She then looked at her parents and mimicked the noises she had just heard.
It was later determined that the girl possessed a rare hearing capacity as well as a lovely voice. She is currently working on improving her musical abilities. She competes in numerous competitions, performs at various events, and even has her own album created in one of America’s best recording facilities.