Dad writes the best graduation message, and the story behind it has people in tears.

Most people are probably going to cry one or two or three times after reading a father’s heartfelt graduation letter to his child and the tale behind it.Graduation ceremonies are unique, cherished occasions. They celebrate and recognize years of toil, which frequently include endless hours of rigorous and committed study. Graduations are frequently used as a moment for introspection.

They could make the graduate and those around him or her reflect on the years that came before and everything that had happened up to that moment.A picture of a graduation card with a note from the recipient’s father was uploaded to Reddit by user ItsDevax. “So Proud of you!” is inscribed inside the greeting card. I love you, dad. My little little homme. My partner in crime.

There are spots where the father attempted to hide flaws in the card in addition to the spelling issues. However, given the background information provided in the photo’s description, the card’s markings and flaws simply serve to increase its significance and sentimentality.According to the caption of the picture, the father “spent over 20 minutes writing this graduation note.”

In 2009, he received a brain cancer diagnosis.Author of the graduation card was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2009 and underwent three surgeries.
According to the card’s caption, the author has had “3 brain surgeries and a lot of radiation.” As one might assume, the father has found it difficult to perform simple tasks like writing that may have once been accomplished with relative easily due to the sad and trying circumstances he has gone through.

He has a very tough time writing, but he was still able to write this on my card. The Reddit member declared, “I’m saving this forever. Such a lovely interaction between a father and his child. Even though it’s just a card, it means a lot more considering everything the father and his family have been through. For a very, very long time, I will cherish that object and that moment.

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