Kid Writes A Letter Home After Joining The Marines – This Is Priceless

This moving letter dispels the myth that farm children lack resiliency. A farm-raised person who enlisted in the Marines quickly noted the sharp contrast between their rural upbringing.Eager to communicate the gap, they wrote a letter to their family, asking them to enroll as soon as possible. The letter hilariously underscores the discrepancy, urging others to join before the reality about the problems of marine life spreads.

This narrative highlights the toughness instilled by agricultural life and how it prepares people for the difficult nature of military service. The letter, packed with wit, attests to the toughness acquired by farm experiences while emphasizing the contrasted realities of military and agricultural existence.The entire letter: Dear Mother and Father: I’m ok. I’m hoping you are. Tell Brother Walt and Brother Elmer that working for old man Minch is far superior to working for the Marine Corps.

Kid Writes A Letter Home After Joining The Marines - This Is Priceless

Tell them to sign up quickly before all of the spots are taken. I was initially restless because you got to stay in bed until nearly 6 a.m. But now that I’m acclimated to it, I like to sleep late. Tell Walt and Elmer that the only thing you do before breakfast is smooth your cot and shine a few things. There are no hogs to slop, feed to pitch, mash to mix, wood to split, or fire to build. Absolutely nothing.Men have to shave, but it’s not too bad because there’s warm water.

Breakfast is heavy on trimmings such as fruit juice, cereal, eggs, bacon, and so on, but light on chops, potatoes, ham, steak, fried eggplant, pie, and other normal fare, but tell Walt and Elmer you can always sit beside the two city boys who live on coffee. Their meal, combined with yours, will keep you going until midday, when you will be fed again. It’s no surprise that these city boys can’t walk far.We go on “route marches,” which are long hikes to harden us, according to the platoon sergeant.

If he believes that, it is not my place to convince him otherwise. A “route march” is roughly equivalent to walking to our mailbox at home. The city guys become tired of walking and we all travel back in trucks.The sergeant is similar to a teacher. He constantly nags. The Captain is analogous to the school board. Majors and colonels simply ride about frowning. They don’t disturb you at all.

Walt and Elmer will die laughing at what comes next. I keep getting shooting medals. I’m not sure why. The bulls-eye is about the size of a chipmunk’s head, doesn’t move, and isn’t shooting at you like the Higgett guys at home. All you have to do is lie down comfortably and whack it. You even don’t load your own cartridges. They are packaged in boxes. Then there’s what’s known as hand-to-hand fighting training. You get to wrestle the city scum.

But I have to be careful since they break easily. It’s not like you’re fighting a bull at home. Except maybe Tug Jordan from Silver Lake, I’m about the best they’ve got in this. I only had one victory over him. He joined at the same time I did, but I’m only 5’6″ and 130 pounds, whereas he’s 6’8″ and close to 300 pounds dry.Tell Walt and Elmer to hurry up and join before additional guys get onto this setup and start stampeding in. Your devoted daughter, Alice.

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