Large companies are often busy on weekends, and unfortunately, only two or three out of every ten cash registers are open. I recently came across an intriguing sight. A grandfather and his 5-year-old grandson went shopping. They filled their cart with a variety of goods, including sausages, pork, dairy products, and bread.
The plethora of delicacies in their cart piqued my interest. The grandfather had clearly decided to treat his child by buying a variety of biscuits, marmalade, chocolate, and chips. The grandson walked happily beside his grandfather, without complaining since, after all, why bother asking for treats when there was so much good food in the cart?
They were obliged to join the line when they neared the cashier. I was standing in the opposite checkout line, so I could easily see them. At this point, the grandson reached for a Kinder Surprise egg. “I’d like a chocolate egg, Grandpa.” “Please get one for me; I’d like it!”
The child begged, but the grandfather responded calmly, even kindly, “We’ve already bought you many things; stand in your place.” I was surprised at first because he had to have the money if he had filled a large cart. But then I saw that the grandfather was simply refusing to be manipulated by the child.
The grandfather had already paid for their dinner when the child began to pout and eventually tantrum. His grandson’s protests and demands, however, became more vociferous. Finally, the grandfather had had enough and collapsed on the floor, mockingly requesting that he be taken home, saying, “I want to go home, take me home.” The grandson instantly calmed himself, helped his grandfather stand, and they discreetly exited the company. I was taken aback, but this novel approach helped him deal with his grandson’s situation.