30-Minute Stuffed Pepper Soup

I remember that when I was a kid, my dad almost never made dinner. When he did, we had mac and cheese, sausage on the grill, or stuffed peppers. I loved stuffed peppers because they were so rare that they felt like a treat to me. I remember them happily as a favorite childhood food. (Though I know that for most people, stuffed peppers aren’t really a “childhood food”!) But they mean comfort to me. Soup is also a word for comfort. That’s why these two things had to come together in this Stuffed Pepper Soup.

This is a great way to use up any extra white rice you have. Two cups are needed. Some other things you’ll need are beef broth, diced tomatoes, two bell peppers, an onion, some garlic, and one pound of ground beef. The list of ingredients isn’t too big, and it’s full of good, healthy things.Another good thing is that this only takes 30 minutes to put together. Put the beef and onion in a pan and brown them.

Then add the rest of the ingredients (except the rice) and stir them in. Let it cook for fifteen minutes. Putting these tastes together doesn’t take all day. The rice is added at the end so it doesn’t soak up too much juice. The pot needs five minutes to heat up, and then you’re ready to go!I remember and love the tastes of Stuffed Bell Peppers—the mild sharpness of the pepper, the hearty beef, the chewy rice, and the sweet tomato. If I’ve ever seen comfort in a bowl, this is it!

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