Diver doesn’t understand what seals wants . He panics When Seal Won’t Let Go, He Looks Up to See Why.

Seeing wildlife up close is always exciting. Just ask diver Gary Grayson, who came across a gray seal in its native environment. The seal didn’t seem to be terrified of Gary, and instead performed something that made me love wildlife even more.It occurred while Gary was diving near the Scilly Isles off the southwest coast of England. He saw two gray seals. One seal appeared shy, while the other did not appear to be terrified of Gary or his dive equipment.

The seal swam up to Gary and touched his snout. The diver didn’t quite grasp what the curious seal wanted, so he reached out his hand. The seal grabbed it and slowly pushed it into its stomach. “This grey seal came across and spent around five minutes with me. Then another one started creeping up my leg,” Grayson told M.E.N. “I’m an expert diver, but I’ve never seen something like that… I prefer to live life on the edge. But this was definitely up there with anything I’ve ever done.”

It turned out that the seal only wanted a little love—and a belly rub.”It really shows how sweet, curious, and dog-like seals are,” Seal Rescue Island CEO Ally McMillan told the Huffington Post. There’s nothing like a gray seal to perk up a dull day! Watch the complete video here:

Diver Panics When Seal Won't Let Go, Then Looks Up And Sees Why - YouTube

Gary Grayson, a scuba diver from Worsley, is seen in this wonderful video interacting with a friendly seal underwater. He was diving off the Isles of Scilly when a seal began playing with him on a kelp bed. So cute.

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