Two treatments to eliminate brown spots on your skin

We all have brown spots, often known as age spots, somewhere on our skin. Brown patches can be found on your face, legs, arms, shoulders, and hands. As we age, these brown spots spread, which is why they’re also known as age spots – these huge, brown splotches are an unmistakable indicator of aging. If you don’t like the appearance of these age spots and want to get rid of them, we have excellent news for you. There is a way to get rid of brown age spots on your skin, and it’s a simple trick using only two components! You’ve undoubtedly got them in your kitchen now.

But where do the brown specks come from? Is there a way to halt them before you have to use this two-ingredient solution? Absolutely. This article will provide the answer.What creates the brown spots? Drew demonstrates in a YouTube video that age spots (or sun spots) are caused by the sun’s UV rays. When your skin is exposed to ultraviolet radiation, the body creates melanin to tan the skin, essentially forming an armor to protect the deeper layers. This is why age spots occur on the arms, neck, shoulders, face, and other regions of the body that are frequently exposed to sunlight.

While sun spots are not normally hazardous, if you discover that some are significantly darker than others, have grown rapidly, or have unusually formed borders, you should consult a doctor. If they are red, sensitive, or bleeding, consult a doctor right once. What should we do about them? Even if your age spots are harmless, you may grow bored of looking at them. Fortunately, Drew explains in the video below, that there is a way to remove them! Doug Willen, D.C., a New York City nutrition specialist and author of Quantum Paleo, created the procedure, which requires only two ingredients: onion and apple cider vinegar.

To make the homemade remedy, dice fresh onions and place them in a plastic bag. Then, using a heavy tool, crush the onions to get the liquid. Combine the onion and 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar in a blender and process until well combined. Then, dip a cotton ball or towel into the solution and apply it immediately to the age spots. Drew recommends doing this once a day for optimal benefits. After 2 to 4 weeks, you should see an improvement.

“This remedy might not be an overnight fix, but it’s extremely effective,” Drew explains. He notes that the remedy works because onions have antioxidant properties that neutralize free radicals and promote healing on the skin’s outer layer, but the alpha-hydroxy acid in apple cider vinegar acts to eliminate the dead skin layer, which is where most age spots are found.

Can you prevent them? Yes, and No! Exposure to the sun is inevitable, even if we stay indoors (which is not recommended). The greatest way to avoid widespread, huge, or deadly age spots is to be mindful of how much time we spend outdoors. Wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants whenever possible, and ALWAYS, ALWAYS use sunscreen. Also, avoid exposure to intense UV lamps, such as those found in tanning beds. These beds, while providing the desired tan, are quite damaging to your skin. And, as always, if you notice any problematic age spots, take them to your doctor straight away. Stay safe and knowledgeable about your brown spots!

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