Narcissists are self-absorbed, and it is difficult to ignore their attention-seeking conduct. They are not only nasty, spiteful, and manipulative; they also enjoy being the focus of attention wherever they go. They attempt to prove their superiority over others and finally take control of other people’s life by gaining access to the spotlight.
They do not earn this spotlight from others; rather, they perform numerous activities to become the center of attention. So, to help you understand this, we’ve compiled a list of the weirdest things narcissists do to become the center of attention. 1. They inflate their achievements. Narcissists frequently exaggerate their own accomplishments,
and even those who do not (the more sensitive narcissists) are inclined to do so because they seek attention and adoration. While you may not notice at first, as you get to know them, you will realize how they build themselves up like a house of cards. 2. They dominate the talk. Another trait of a narcissist is to dominate the conversation. Narcissists may talk about themselves all day, every day, without pausing for air.
And if someone else takes over and talks about themselves, the narcissist will interrupt and continue to talk about themselves. 3. Tricking them into becoming victims themselves. Narcissists will constantly try to play the victim so that the blame may be placed on you. Acting as victims earns them compassion and the trust of others, which is required to hide their lies and wicked objectives.
4. They stage a disaster. If there is no catastrophe available to ride the coattails on, the narcissist will create one. Narcissistic personality disorder is frequently associated with Munchausen syndrome. Simply put, narcissists are willing to fake disease to gain attention, reputation, and sympathy. 5. They tell plain lies.
Furthermore, narcissists will lie about things to gain attention. If you look closely, you will notice that most narcissists are also pathological liars. So it isn’t a huge deal for them to make up a crazy falsehood to grab the attention of their friends and relatives. 6. They produce drama. And if there are no lies to tell and the situation around the narcissist appears to be peaceful, proceed with caution. When things are calm around the narcissist, they are more prone to cause trouble. They cannot stand tranquil situations and seek perpetual commotion and drama.