A man and his dog have been living alone in a cave for 25 years. Now look inside the cave.

Personally, I find it amazing that some people still use old tools, even though technology has come a long way and made our lives easier. This cave was made by a 67-year-old man, showing that his age didn’t stop him from taking on such a huge project. Using common household items like a cart and shovel, he worked hard on his project but didn’t make much for all his hard work.

Cave-digging artist finds inspiration underground | Author Fabio  Evangelista DaSilva

He doesn’t have a formal education, but he still hopes that people will respect his work.The man started digging in his cave in 1987, but he had no idea that it would become famous and well-known today. Today, Ra Paulet’s caves are hard to judge because they are so beautiful, even with different things on the walls.

Cave-digging artist finds inspiration underground

The man has finished 14 caves so far and is now working on his 15th, which he promises will be even bigger and better than the others. Watch the movie below to learn more.

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