When a man rejects you, he just wants to teach you this:

Men are losing women at a higher rate than ever before because of the stupid, outmoded belief that playing hard to get will gain you the attention you seek. By believing that if men ignore the lady they are interested in, she will be more drawn to them, they offer the exact opposite impression of the one they want. Some men believe that if they mistreat her and make her feel horrible about herself, she would come crawling back to them, desperate for their approval and affirmation.

They believe that their deceptive tactics will take them far, but they could not be more incorrect. See, they keep forgetting one very crucial point. That horrible procedure is only effective on novice ladies, if that. A real lady understands what she wants. She is a content woman who does not have time to play games. If you are willing to be honest with her, love her, and treat her well, she will reciprocate.

On the other side, if she discovers that you are not being honest, that you are playing games, and that you are not serious about her, she will walk away from you without looking back. Because she understands that when you truly love someone, you cannot simply ignore them. When you love someone, you cannot withhold your love and affection since it would be counterproductive.

A true lady enjoys being loved, adored, and lavished with attention all the time. She wants to know that you will always be there for her. If you do not meet her needs, she will leave you. Simple as that. What happens if a man ignores a woman?Also, many men believe that in a relationship, it is ideal not to show their genuine sentiments to their spouse.

They forget that honesty is the foundation of all good relationships. Real ladies value honesty above all else. They understand that they will never achieve true intimacy with a dishonest spouse. They want their partner to be completely honest, open, and vulnerable with her. They want to know the depths of his soul. So, males, if you want to be with a real woman, turn off your cell phone and focus solely on her. Be kind, loving, and attentive. And always show her respect.

Only by treating her properly will she fall in love with you and shower you with even more love and affection, and this might be the start of a fantastic relationship based on trust, love, and honesty. Only by loving her in the correct way will she reciprocate with even more love and affection. Because a woman doubles everything she receives, if you want her in your life, don’t feed her bullshit.

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