7 Things That Will Happen To You If You Aren’t Your Partner’s Priority

1. Your special occasions do not seem special to them. If your spouse values you, what makes you happy will be essential to them. But if you aren’t a priority, even your special moments will seem average to them. 2. You beg for attention. You’d always have to beg for attention. But even then, you won’t get any attention.

3. Happy moments are rare. When you have a good relationship in which you are prioritized, happy moments will occur. Your partner will make time for special and enjoyable moments with you.

4. You feel alone. You’ll often feel alone because you’ll be in a relationship with yourself. 5. NONCHALANCE. While you are dedicated to making the relationship work, your partner is not as committed. A spouse who does not prioritize you will always exhibit a lack of commitment to making the relationship beautiful.

6. YOU ARE BEING USED. Don’t be surprised if your partner uses you for selfish purposes in such a relationship. When you are not a priority in your relationship, your partner may utilize you for their own selfish purposes.

7. THEY DON’T MIND DISAPPOINTING YOU. A partner who does not consider you a priority will disappoint you often and will not care.

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