Dad goes away suddenly, and Mom is devastated and lonely. To lessen her anguish, I offered she move in with us to be closer to her grandchildren. My husband initially opposed but eventually consented under the condition that she pay us rent. I was furious because we own the house and pay no rent.
He smirked and said, “Your mother’s a leech. She will never leave us once she has moved in.” He went on to say, “She’ll eat our food and use our electricity, and it just doesn’t make sense for her to get everything for free. She needs to understand that this is not a hotel!”
I was infuriated. He and I both contributed to the purchase of this house, and we have equal ownership rights to it. I can’t just ask my mother to pay us money; that makes no sense.
That said, I must confess that my husband is not a bad person. He and his mother just didn’t get along. He told me the other night, “Your mother has loathed me since I met her. I wouldn’t be comfortable living with her right now.”I’m split between my husband and my mother, who needs her only daughter’s aid right now. What shall I do?