The hyena was more devious than anyone thought

There was once a loud-mouthed hyena. He would roam around the savanna insulting the other animals, including the King himself, the Lion. One day, his wife, the Lioness, asked him, “Why do you let that stupid hyena taunt you like that?” You are the King. “Do something about him.”

But he merely said, “Let him be.” He is not endangering anyone. “Don’t worry about it.” However, the Lioness felt compelled to teach the hyena a lesson, so she began chasing him. The chase lasted miles, and the hyena eventually took her to a fallen, hollow tree stump and passed through it.

The Lioness attempted to follow, but became stuck right immediately. The hyena then approached her from behind and had his way with her. After he went, she dragged herself out of the trunk and began walking home, embarrassed.

She discovered her hubby waiting for her. He exhaled deeply and asked: “He took you to the tree, didn’t he?”

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